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Life in a Pakistani village is very interesting as compared to the noise in towns,There is little activity in our villages,the first thing that strikes a visitor to village,is the crowd of houses.Most of them are mud built.There are no melted roads our village.
                                                                     The most important certain of interest in village is the village cells usually the women folk of the village carry water is there pitchers.There are also some shop in every village.
                                         Usually there is a small primary school is every village.It has one only teacher.The salary of this teacher is small but the gift which he get in the shop of ghee,wheat,maize,and other thing are sufficient for his need.Our village lead a simple and hard life.The main occupation of them is of courses agriculture.They are very particular about their care-monies regarding marriages and death.
                                                                    On the whole,life in a Pakistani village is not a dull affair.There are few facilities of life and skills fewer recreations,indeed we will have to work a lot to make life in our villagers worth living.          

One problem that plagues our society is crime.Crime is all around us our everyday lives.Daily we hear  of Murders,Robbers,Mobile snatching.This are categorized as "Street Crimes".For many people such crimes they only "Tragic Crimes".The one that are senseless and preventable,this other from of crimes is right "White Collar".Crime both have victims,and the effect of both can be devastating to the individuals in dived and to the community.
                                               The views of the two arguments proposed in the text do reach one common conclusion.Both street and white collar crime have severe Consequence.In most instances,white collar crime is technically more costly.This does not infect bodily harm upon people Multi-million dollar corporation can be twice as daily as a gang member can.
                                                                                                                 When white collar crime is reporter it gets little publicity compared to a gang shot-out killed  the  mother and three kids.There is reason for this violent street crimes is predominately an urbon problem there is no better space got that the lower class that lives is these inner-city. Communities science urbon communities are concerrend  with people of collar the image of minorities soon become that of a crimed by created the idea that its us against them the justice system convinces voters that street crimes in the evil of all evils.In additions its unacceptable for murder to be committed by means of a solution from other people such polices cause racism and streetyping.
                                 If you know who the crimed is you will make a point to fine reasons to arrest them without hesitation white collar crime in 90 time more costly that "Street Crimes"     

We Know that man is a soul animal and cannot live without help of others.Mutual co-corporation gives the sense of unity and the unity binds together unity makes the society a perfect unit.If man remains alone,he is nothing.He needs the help of others in each and every matter of life.
                                                                                                                 The unity the peoples together.It makes a peoples strong.If there is no unity in the society.The people are divided ti many groups and this division it many groups and this division of peoples become the cause weakness of individuals and ruin of as a nation.The people cannot flourish without unity.We have to think in terms of Pakistani and not in terms of different group because the negative thinking is posion.Which moves in our veins. 
        Islam give us the lesson of unity.According to the teaching of Islam.None is super to any one in a account of blood,race,color or language.God Now-a-day we are have lost the national integrity and are divided in different groups.It's great misfortune for us that the we think only in favor of our right not in favor of our brother.It is only of reason of our present confusion  if we consider our selves,we,find luck of integrity,narrow mind redness,selfishness and prejudiced thinking.These thing keep us in dark away from light.
So,we should follow the sacred massage of Islam about unity through which every problem would be solved easily and the grace of a man!
                     will rise up and shine inn the peat of sky...........!                            

Terrorism is the act of the terrorizing which means the use of the force or threat to demoralize others.It is also used as a political weapon or policy.Terrorism is the most server problem of this age that people are facing all over the world.It is equally Occurring in the western.It Europe as well as in the countries of the third world.
The fundamental causes of terrorism is the uncertain political conduction of the globe.It may be the conclusion effect of train.
Materialistic and spiritual discontentment is the cause to terrorism.It is a factual phenomenon that peace and stability are the essential factors for the enhancement of civilization and prosperity.The devilish attack of terrorism in the create political anarchy in a country.Political disturbance and economics rises weaken the roots of a nation.Terrorism is the worst from of barbarism.A barbarism actin generators lesion anxiety to the world.It is an open challenge to our government the law Enforcing-agencies and Intelligence- agencies to right against the devilish phenomenon.Application of force is the sense of political weapons policy.
            Whoever is responsible for this act would be supposed as terrorist it must be condemned in the whole world where ever it is done...............!             

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